Dear Members and Friends of the Jamaica Foundation of Houston,
Wishing you all Happy Holidays and a peaceful and prosperous New Year! Thank you for your continued support of the Foundation. With your support, we were able to continue to support our mission to promote cultural understanding, education, and volunteerism.
Year in Review
Friday, december 16, 2022 | JFH Christmas party
This season is a time for friendship, joy and reflection.
Thank you to members and friends of the Jamaica Foundation of Houston for joining our holiday gathering on the evening of Friday, December 16, 2022 at 7 pm CST. Guests were invited to wear their favorite holiday or cultural attire, show off a special dish, and reflect on Jamaica’s 60th Year of Independence!
We shared memories of Jamaica 60 events, including the Foundation’s Diamond Jubilee Independence Gala themed ‘Re-Igniting a Nation’, and the ‘Love & Nostalgia’ concert by Steve Higgins Productions in association with the Jamaica Foundation of Houston under the distinguished patronage of the Jamaican Consulate General in Miami. The evening was highlighted with special guest Rev. Horace Ward, Chairperson for the Global Jamaica Diaspora Council Electoral Committee, who discussed the election process and the Council’s goal of deepening Diaspora engagement with Jamaica. We were also honored to hear a holiday greeting from Consul General for Jamaica Oliver Mair, holiday songs from Internationally Renowned Jamaican Tenor Steve Higgins, and a message from Honorary Consul for Jamaica in Houston K. Omari Fullerton.
Thank you all for being a supporter of the Foundation, especially our donors and sponsors. Thanks for coming together to say farewell to the past year and hello to the new year!
Friday, November 18, 2022 | Annual Board of Directors Election
Members and friends of the Foundation joined us for our General Meeting & Annual Board of Directors Election on Friday, November 18, 2022 at 7 pm CST virtually via Zoom.
September 16, 2022 | General Meetingwith guest Lorraine Smith
Jamaicans and friends of the Foundation heard from guest speaker Jamaican born, Lorraine J. Smith, LPC, NCC, CCMHC, on self-care. Smith is a transformational leader who believes in empowering others through education and her lived experiences. She is a Licensed Professional Counselor, a National Certified Counselor, a Certified Clinical Mental Health Counselor, Certified Adolescent Trauma Professional and Certified Family Trauma Professional with a background in social services and mental health for almost 27 years. Guests learned how to preserve or improve health through self-care.
Sep 4, 2022 | JFH Family Picnic postponed until next year 2023
July 30, 2022 | Jamaica’s 60th Year of Independence Gala – “Re-Igniting a Nation”
Jamaica Diamond Jubilee Independence Gala
Members and friends of the Jamaica Foundation of Houston celebrated Jamaica’s 60th Year of Independence themed “Re-Igniting a Nation” at our Annual Gala on Saturday, July 30, 2022, at 7 o’clock in the evening. The gala was held at India House – Houston. The gala was themed “Re-Igniting a Nation” and was held at India House at 7 pm, with MC Jose Grinan, Consul General Mair, DJ Fatta Carey, and Galaxy Band. Guests enjoyed a formal affair with dinner, dance, and silent auction at our preeminent social and fundraising event of the year. Funds raised from this event supports our Scholarship Fund.
View more on the gala on social media:
Click here for more on facebook >>
Click here for more on Instagram >>
Jamaica Independence Gala Souvenir Booklet

Each year, we invite individuals and businesses to partner with us on our scholarship and cultural events by advertising in our Jamaica Independence GALA Souvenir Booklet.
Click here to view >>
We look forward to you advertising with us this year!
June 17. General Meeting featuring ‘Aaah-Inspiring Antarctica: A Jamaican on Ice!‘ Exhibition
As part of our Jamaica 60 celebration events, the Jamaica Foundation of Houston partnered with Jamaican writer and filmmaker Judith Falloon-Reid (first Jamaican woman to visit Antarctica) to bring a one-of-a-kind experience to our city — Aaah-Inspiring Antarctica: A Jamaican on Ice!
JFH members and friends met Judith at our General Meeting held on June 17, 2022, at the Tracy Gee Community Center, where she shared photos of her time in Antarctica. The presentation opened with spoken word from Malachi Smith, acclaimed Dub Poet. She then shared her journey to Antarctica, detailing how the cruise ship sailed from Florida to Argentina, and through the Drake Passage — the body of water between South America’s Cape Horn, Chile and the South Shetland Islands of Antarctica — to Antarctica. The most fascinating part of her trip was the shadow cast by the moon, showing the curvature of the Earth on the moon, as it rose over the horizon! From her time in Antarctica, she is more aware of changes in the Earth’s ecosystem and hopes people will conserve/recycle resources in order to preserve the planet.
Judith has developed a film, published two books and created a photo exhibit. The exhibition — Aaah-Inspiring Antarctica: A Jamaican on Ice — opened to high acclaim in Jamaica two years ago at the National Library.
June is National Caribbean-American Heritage Month.
May 21, 2022 | Scholarship Awards Celebration (virtual) at 11:30 am
The Jamaica Foundation of Houston held a Scholarship Awards Celebration at 11:30 am on Saturday, May 21, 2022. Dr. Nicole Bent Jones gave opening remarks, noting how education allows us to better understand the world and become thoughtful with others. Her words were reinforced by Malcolm X — “Education is the passport to the future, for tomorrow belongs to those who prepare for it today.” Next, we heard inspiring words from our past scholarship recipients Chyanne Blackwood, Lennox Brown, Jr., and Lydia Anglin. Then, our Master of Ceremonies Mr. Errol Wilks presented the scholarships to our deserving college students. Students were thankful for their awards. Scholarship Recipient Regan Reid mentioned how grateful she is for the Foundation’s moral and financial support.
The program continued with a powerful introduction of the keynote speaker by JFH Director Dr. Camille Gibson. Dr. Tamara Beckford emphasized the importance of positive energy. She shared a quote by Henry Wadsworth Longfellow — “The heights by great men reached and kept were not attained by sudden flight, but they while their companions slept, were toiling upward in the night” — noting how important it is to have faith in oneself. Dr. Beckford left us with more inspiring words, made popular by Tony Rebel — “If Jah is by my side then why should I be afraid” — assuring students their faith will carry them through.
— Jamaica Foundation of Houston
Thanks to all those who helped to make the program a special one for our scholarship awardees.
May 7, 2022 | Jamaica Consulate 5k Walk/Run
The Jamaica Foundation of Houston participated in the Jamaica Consulate’s Hi-5K Walk/Run. The Jamaican Diaspora of the Southern USA, under the jurisdiction of the Consulate, hosted their annual Jamaica Hi-5K Walk/Run on Saturday, May 7th. The event began at 7:30 a.m. simultaneously in five (5) regions across the Southern USA, including Florida, Georgia and Houston. All CDC COVID-19 protocols were observed.
April 22. Love & Nostalgia Concert @MATCH – Midtown Theatre >>promo video>> view the concert review
Steve Higgins Productions in association with the Jamaica Foundation of Houston presented Love & Nostalgia: A Jamaica 60 Celebration Event under the distinguished patronage of the Jamaican Consulate General in Miami. The event was held Friday, April 22, 2022, at 7 pm in MATCH – Midtown Arts & Theater Center Houston at 3400 Main Street, Houston, TX 77002.
Click here for the review

Love & Nostalgia
“All facets of Jamaican life are covered by our Folk music, such as birth, death, love, romance, labrish (gossip), work, dance/play, etc. Furthermore, common themes emerge from our ancestors’ way of life; They had a solid sense of community, unmistakable respect for hard work, and certainly some of our songs make references to the multiple races of our population.” – Steve Higgins
click here for concert review
April 21, 2022 | Town Hall with Consul General of Jamaica, R. Oliver Mair, & JAMPRO
Friends of the Caribbean and the Greater Houston Community engaged in open dialogue with Hon. R. Oliver Mair, Consulate General of Jamaica, Miami, on Thursday, April 21, from 6 pm – 8 pm at Cool Runnings Bar & Grill. He spoke about matters of interest relating to Jamaica and the Diaspora at our Town Hall!
Shane Angus, Regional Manager – North American Regional Offices for JAMPRO, spoke on increasing foreign direct investment into Jamaica and increasing export of Jamaican products through existing and new distributors and to unearth new market opportunities across all sectors in North America.
Roshelle Lewis, Senior Trade & Investment Officer, and Attorney K. Omari Fullerton, Honorary Consul to Jamaica in Houston, supported the event, as well.
Town Hall presented by the Jamaica Foundation of Houston in partnership with the Houston Missouri City Domino Club & Association of Jamaican Nurses of Greater Houston.
April 20, 2022 | Jamaican Folk Music Workshop: My Sweet Jamaica, by Internationally Renowned Jamaican Tenor Steve Higgins

Steve Higgins, Internationally Renowned Jamaican Tenor, hosted Jamaica Folk Music Workshops ‘My Sweet Jamaica’ for youth to learn about aspects of Jamaican life through folk music in hopes of keeping the culture alive. The workshop were interactive and quite engaging!
Jamaican Folk Music Workshop: My Sweet Jamaica, by Internationally Renowned Jamaican Tenor Steve Higgins
Steve Higgins, Internationally Renowned Jamaican Tenor, hosted Jamaica Folk Music Workshops ‘My Sweet Jamaica’ for youth to learn about aspects of Jamaican life through folk music in hopes of keeping the culture alive. The workshop were interactive and quite engaging!
Workshops were held on Wednesday, April 20, at Tracy Gee Community Center from 6:30 pm – 8:30 pm in Room AR-1 and at Prairie View A&M University in the Don Clark Building from 5-7 pm.
April 20th Workshop

See workshop videos:
click link >> synchopation
click link >> Mento “Manuel Road” at Tracy Gee Community Center
April 21st Workshop
Another workshop was held Thursday, April 21, at Prairie View A&M University at 5:00 pm in the Don Clark Room 137.

click link >> Mento “Manuel Road” at PVAMU
January 17, 2022 | Houston’s 44th annual Original Martin Luther King Jr. Day Parade
Thank you to those of you who joined us for the MLK Parade in Downtown Houston honoring Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. on Monday, January 17, 2022. We look forward to your participation next year!
- Jan 17. January 17. Houston’s 44th annual Original Martin Luther King Jr. Day Parade
- February 18. General Meeting (virtual) with guest Steve Higgins, Internationally Renowned Jamaican Tenor
April 15. General Meeting (virtual) with guest Nordia Teape of Integrated Diaspora Services - April 20. Jamaica Folk Music Workshop @Tracy Gee Community Center
- April 21. Town Hall with Consul General of Jamaica, R. Oliver Mair, & JAMPRO
- April 21. Jamaican Folk Music Workshop @Prairieview A&M University
- April 22. Love & Nostalgia Concert @MATCH – Midtown Theatre >>promo video>> view the concert review
- May 7. Jamaica Consulate 5k Walk/Run
- May 21. Scholarship Awards Celebration (virtual) at 11:30 am
- June 17. General Meeting featuring ‘Aaah-Inspiring Antarctica: A Jamaican on Ice!‘ Exhibition at 6:30 pm
- July 30. Jamaica’s 60th Year of Independence Gala – “Re-Igniting a Nation” @India House at 7 pm with MC Jose Grinan, Consul General Mair, DJ Fatta Carey, and Galaxy Band
- July 31. Consulate’s Annual Church Service via live streaming at 3 pm CST (4 pm EST)
- Aug 6. Cool Runnings Jamaican Grill’s Houston Reggae JAM JAM | Aug 7. Houston Missouri City Domino Club (HMCDC) Family Day
- Sep 4. JFH Family Picnic postponed until next year 2023
- September 16. General Meetingwith guest Lorraine Smith
- Nov 18. Annual Election
- Dec 16. Christmas Party