It was an exciting night at the Jamaica Foundation of Houston 2019 Independence Gala!
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It was an exciting night at the Jamaica Foundation of Houston 2019 Independence Gala, with honored guests Consul General Honorable R. Oliver Mair, Vice Consul Vance Carter, Community Relations Officer Cheryl Wynter, and JAMPRO Regional Director Vivion Scully!
Thanks to Honorary Consul to Jamaica in Houston Attorney K. Omari Fullerton for the warm reception of our honored guests.
Special thanks to Vice President & Gala Chair Gloria Campbell for chairing the gala.

Thanks to our Master of Ceremony Khambrel Marshall, KPRC-TV/Channel 2 Anchor & Meteorologist.
Gala awards went to two most deserving individuals. John South and Leslie Weir were recognized for their community service and leadership, respectively.

Mr. John South, member of the Jamaica Foundation of Houston, received his award for volunteerism and community service. He is always willing to go the extra mile to further the success of the Foundation. Most recently, he and Adrian Samuel drove a rental truck filled with the collection of donated clothing supplies, school uniform and supplies, medical equipment from Houston to Florida. Upon arrival, the duo boxed the supplies into donation boxes and delivered them to the organization, Food For The Poor Inc., to ship to Jamaica’s Mustard Seed Communities. It was Mr. South’s second trip to Florida with a shipment of such to the homeland in the last two years.
Mr. Leslie Weir, President of the Houston Missouri City Domino Club, received his award for leadership. Mr. Weir has served over 10 years as President of the Domino Club and recently accomplished the major goal of acquiring a new building for the Domino Club.
Our entertainment for the evening, DJ Paul Notch and Galaxy Band, left guest dancing into the early morning.
Former scholarship recipient Andre Johnson spoke of the financial relief the scholarship brought him and his gratitude towards the Foundation for its role in his academic journey.

Our 2019 Independence Gala celebrating Jamaica’s 57th year of independence was held on Saturday, July 27 from 7 pm to 1 am at the Red Oak Ballroom in CityCentre.
Every year, the Jamaica Foundation of Houston hosts a formal affair with dinner, dance, and silent auction. The Gala is our preeminent social and fundraising event of the year.

Thanks to 2019 Gala Souvenir Booklet sponsors! >> View our 2019 Gala Souvenir Booklet
2019 Gala Souvenir Booklet sponsors help to fund our scholarship program. Funding scholarships requires an ongoing and dedicated effort to accomplish the goals set each year. Sole individuals, individuals with company matching funds, and sole corporate sponsorship’s have been and remain the backbone of the funding for our scholarship program as well as cultural initiatives.
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The Jamaica Foundation of Houston continues to do good work!

Congresswoman Sheila Jackson Lee, U.S. Representative for Texas’s 18th congressional district, proclaimed the Foundation’s dedication and commitment is deserving of the respect, admiration, and commendation of the United States Congress!
We were honored to have Mr. Booker Morris, III, present the Certificate of Congressional Recognition at our 2019 Independence Gala!
Also, Mustard Seed Communities thanked the Foundation for 2017 & 2019 donations of uniforms and for joining them in their mission of caring for the most vulnerable.
We continue strengthening the cultural ties between Caribbean people and the Houston community

Jamaicans and friends of the Caribbean in the Greater Houston community participated in an open dialogue with Consul General to Jamaica Honorable R. Oliver Mair on matters of interest relating to Jamaica and the Diaspora at our recent Town Hall held Friday, July 26 from 6 pm – 9 pm at First Methodist Church, Stansbury Building.

Regional Director Vivion Scully from JAMPRO also shared information about opportunities in export and investment to the local and international private sector.
Proceeds benefit scholarship and other community service initiatives
Rationale: This program, supported by individuals and companies in the
community, will further the aims of the Jamaica Foundation in strengthening ties between the Caribbean and Texas. It will help to provide a more qualified work force for Houston area businesses.