Annual Gala celebrating Jamaica’s 62nd Year of Independence

- Buy Gala Tickets NOW!
- View photos from last year’s gala
- Ways to support our non-profit organization
- Venue Information (parking and hotel)
- Jamaica Independence Gala Souvenir Booklet
- Silent Auction
- Year in Review 2023
- Join a committee!!
You are cordially invited to join us for the Jamaica Foundation of Houston’s Annual Independence Gala, celebrating Jamaica’s 62nd year of independence! This premier event unites the community in commemorating Jamaica’s rich heritage and raising funds for scholarships.
Experience the vibrant culture of Jamaica through captivating music, dance performances, and a silent auction. The gala will be held on Saturday, July 27, 2024, at 6:30 pm, in the elegant Red Oak Ballroom at the Norris Conference Centers – Houston/CityCentre, located at 816 Town and Country Blvd #210, Houston, TX 77024.
We are honored to have Donovan Wilson, President of the Union of Jamaican Alumni Associations USA Inc (UJAA) and Immediate Past President of St. Elizabeth Technical High School (STETHS) Alumni Association USA Inc., as our keynote speaker.
Buy Gala Tickets NOW! << click here
The organization’s Annual Independence Gala is our premier event that brings together the community to celebrate Jamaica’s independence and raise funds for scholarships. Through the years, from the inception of the Annual Scholarship Program in 1985, the Jamaica Foundation and its predecessor organization has awarded more than 300 scholarships, and recipients have gone on to graduate and become respected professionals in their chosen communities.
We hope to bring together people from all walks of life in a celebration of culture, heritage, and unity!
Don your finest attire and get ready to party Jamaican-style! Tickets are limited, so don’t miss out on this fantastic opportunity to be part of this momentous occasion.
Jamaica, land we love! Let’s come together to celebrate our nation’s anniversary in style!
See this year’s gala souvenir booklet << click here

View photographs from this year’s gala (click here)
Let’s come together to make a lasting impact in the lives of our community’s future leaders. Get your tickets now and join us for an evening of culture, heritage, and unity!
- Sponsor a table (VIP)
- Buy ticket(s)
- Sponsor our event (see levels & benefits)
- Advertise in our gala souvenir booklet
- Donate to our silent auction
- Donate to our scholarship fund
- Ways to donate
View directions to the venue << click here
Follow signs to the third level and the NCC entrance. Please park on the third level of the garage. View detailed MAP << click here
View photos for parking >> click here
See hotels in the area << click here
The Moran Hotel – CityCentre <> is connected to the gala venue via skybridge, and is located at 800 Sorella Court, Houston, Texas, United States, 77024.
RESERVATION LINK (Friday booking deadline):
1) Book a room at a discounted rate using the dedicated reservation booking link <Jamaica Foundation Gala 2024>
2) Ask for group reservations and identify yourself as members of the Block – “Jamaica Foundation of Houston Gala“
Would you like to advertise in our souvenir booklet? This is a great chance for you to reach a diverse audience of Jamaican-Americans, community leaders, and supporters of our organization. Your advertisement will not only support our gala but also help to promote your business to a wider audience.
Review more about advertising in the gala souvenir booklet << click here.
View the ad contract (click here) for advertising in this year’s Jamaica Independence Gala Souvenir Booklet
View last year’s booklet Souvenir Booklet << click here
Email us about the gala booklet at
Would you like to support our auction? We are organizing a silent auction with items donated by local businesses and individuals. This can include items like artwork, gift cards, or unique experiences. The proceeds from the auction can go towards supporting programs and initiatives for the Jamaica Foundation of Houston.
Email us about your donation to our silent auction at
Buy Gala Tickets NOW! << click here
Prior to the gala, please select entrée chicken/fish (click here). Please arrive at the gala by 6:00 pm for the gala to start promptly at 6:30 pm. The agenda for the gala is as follows:
6:00 pm Reception & Silent Auction Open 6:30 pm Welcome Speakers 8:30 pm Dinner Served Youth Presentation & Awards 9:30 pm Music & Dance 11:30 pm Silent Auction Close 1:00 am Closing & Thank you
Gala tickets are $100 per person ($1,000 per table)
Email us about gala tickets at
YEAR IN REVIEW 2023 (click here)
To our dedicated volunteers, we thank you for your unwavering commitment and passion for our cause. Your continuous engagement with our events, programs, and initiatives have been a constant reminder that our work is valued and making a difference.
Join a committee!
Join a committee and take an active part in your community. Share your experience and motivation for the cause you care about (click here)
“Service to others is the rent you pay for your room here on earth.” ~ Muhammad Ali
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